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About Joe Clare

Joe Clare is an Edmonton art collector and patron, whose passion is art and humanity. In addition to developing his collection, Joe initiates art projects that directly influence his community. He is also involved in exhibitions in both Canada and Cuba.

Joe Clare is also focusing on his new business, the Massage Therapy Supply Outlet, which he sees as a natural platform for bringing a deeper sense of meaning and service to the world. This business is located in his commercial building at 9206 95th Avenue in Edmonton.

In the past, Joe Clare worked as a realtor in Edmonton for over 20 years, and in that time he restored over 15 houses and buildings. Examples of his approach include a six suite apartment in the inner city and his current commercial building. Both of these buildings were bought while at the bottom scale of revenue. Joe then retrieved them, built them up and restored them to the community. One of his buildings is home to the Massage Therapy Supply Outlet.

He preferred to work on small projects that are community based, whether they might be gardens, or derelict houses or buildings. His approach to any project involves reaching inside to define and bring out its original intention or purpose. Every one of his projects goes from beginning to completion with attention to detail.

His former real estate work centred around South Central and North Central Edmonton, and his properties tend to be noticed, not because they stand out, but because of the thoughtful approach to their renovation and reconstruction.

People say it’s too risky, but how are we going to change inner cities if we don’t invest in them? Joe asks.

Joe is not a person of compromise when it comes to working in the community. He provides an example of what it is to be a good landlord, a person who owns commercial property that has a healthy relationship with the community. His garden in the community of Strathearn at 9202 95th Avenue is another example of his neighbourhood commitment to community values.

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